Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Today on training day #2, I had my one mile route all mapped out and was actually looking forward to running after work. It looked like I was going to get my run in but when I got off it was raining steady. Hmmm, learn to deal with the conditions or find a treadmill?

Yeah, can't quite go there yet as I'm still a fair weather runner. I was totally prepared for the cold, but the thought of getting soaked to the bone doesn't thrill me.

After two days of sore muscles and stretching, one mile seemed pretty easy and I was ready to keep going. That surprised me.

I would rather have been outside, but was glad to have had the treadmill option to run without ending up like a cold, drowned rat.

I have two more training days this week with two miles each day. I'm thankful for the steady, slow pace to adjust to a life of training along with the many other blessings in my life that I'm thankful for this time of year.